Author Biography
Throughout his extensive teaching career, Henry Woodward has taught people the fundamentals of Marxist theory, the basics of string theory and how to remove the yolk of an egg using only a plastic bottle. These days, he mostly teaches people how to grow pot.
As a native of Northern California and a Medical Marijuana user, it was only a matter of time until Prof. Woodward stumbled into the world of growing his own green. Not long after his first successful grow, he became a member of a local co-op and got his hands on some killer NorCal genetics. After he fumbled through a few more grows, with varying degrees of success, it dawned on him that if he was making mistakes, plenty of other first-time growers were too. He began cataloguing his screw-ups and successes and taking photos of his plants everyday. Right from germination to harvest, he set his ego aside and told his audience of his many issues; from getting too drunk and forgetting to water to letting his plants burn on the lights.
His personal experience with failure and his vast knowledge have helped him to cultivate a unique voice in his growing guide(s), as well as some pretty impressive marijuana.