In his second book, J.B. Haze provides important explanations about genetics, what makes a “good seed” for different growing environments, controlling temperature and moisture without disturbing the seeds or stunting growth during germination, and the proper way to pot a seed. Throughout it all, his enthusiasm for growing shines through and highlights the necessity for joy in growing alongside technical knowledge.

His method of watering the germinating seeds is particularly helpful to beginners, as a frequent slip-up is to dehydrate the seeds as they try to get moisture when using the traditional paper towel technique. Haze’s alternative technique allows excited growers to easily observe seeds as they germinate without causing a shake-up and uses easily-obtainable materials and has a 99% success rate. 

Haze also generously shares his surefire method of cloning, one of the most important pieces of information for growers who have found their perfect combination of attributes. Haze demystifies the process and explains it in simple terms that makes the whole operation seem less intimidating than the serious-sounding name implies. 

After writing a full book on the topic, Haze’s chapter on regeneration is as thorough and nuanced as it can be. From explanations of how the process works to how to use tipping in order to increase yield, everything is laid out in a way that is both detailed and easy to understand. 

With over 150 dazzling photographs by the author and easy-to-implement instructions, The Cannabis Growing Guide is the perfect book for anyone looking to update their growing methodology and get the best buds possible. Full of sage advice and charming personality, this book is what old-fashioned growers and newbies alike need to read in order to keep growing marijuana fun and fruitful.